Friday, October 8, 2010

Judgemental Bitches

I need to say this. FUCK LABELS.

You'll always be TOO something. You do one thing, people tear you down for it. You do the opposite, they tear harder.

Lemme say something to the judgemental bitches that think they know a person because they talked to them for 5 seconds. Or maybe all you know is their name.

You've heard it said "Don't judge a book by its cover" and "You don't know a person til you've walked two moons in their mocassins." If you haven't, now you have.

GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELVES!! You go around saying how freaking amazingly awesome you are and how much someone else sucks. Who are you trying to convince? Them or yourself? Because I GUARUNTEE nobody but YOU gives a shit what YOU think. There's people who LOVE that person. Talking shit just makes YOU look bad.

And for the sensitive people like me who can tap into the emotions of the people around you, we can tell based on appearance what someone is like. But we can also tell why. And we give them a chance because everyone deserves at least one chance to prove you wrong.

I have a friend. She's an amazing friend and she's a really good listener and the reason she's like that is because she takes everything extra-personally. It has a deep emotional effect on her. Everything does. It's because she doesn't overlook the smaller details the way most people do. She has her family drama and very few people accept her as a friend so she has to lean on herself. She escapes through her music. She sings and plays guitar. We're a lot alike in a lot of different ways. And if I had gone by what I thought of her before I KNEW her, then I wouldn't have a friend like her who can relate to me on an emotional level. Like me, she feels the emotions around her. So, when I'm at my lowest point, she will cry WITH me not FOR me because she can feel everything I'm going through. I love my friends. And I love her.

I love you Twitch <3

P.S. She has a record deal in some country music thing. Official Facebook fan page:!/pages/Taylor-Bothwell-Official-Fan-Page/110737548963675

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