Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Death Penalty and My Opinions On War (debate with another asshole)

My Facebook status: Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong? War is just an excuse for our leaders to throw temper tantrums that involve DEATH

~**further explantion not needed**~ For the record, I creamed this guy without cussing :)


My friend Jose:  It's called growing up and learning the world aint fucking fair at all

Asshole: Liberal

My friend Jose: Not really asshole

Me: But people shouldn't have to die just because our big president man didn't get his way. And that's both about the death penalty and about war

My friend Jose: Obama's a nigger

Inserpt: Jose isn't racist. He just jokes like that.

Me:  Hahahahaha

Asshole: You people are stupid, honestly. War is for freedom and justice. Obama wants us to be in war because he's a socialist. He wants us to die. There's no other reason. And Allison, if you seriously believe that the mass murder of thousands is justified then you're a fool. That's why we have the DEATH PENALTY!

Me: We are punishing the people who kill BY killing. Making ourselves no different than them. The government should not play God by choosing when a person should die.

Asshole: Its your kind of thinking that let these homicidal maniacs back out into the world. To kill and maim innocent people because THEY think they are the hand of God. The voice of reasoning for man kind. The Government doesn't play a God. They play reason and justification for crimes. And in killing a man whom has killed 1-1,000 men, we keep sanity. Because if you knew you could mass murder hundreds of people and get away with it, be sent to a jail with 3 square meals a day and a warm bed to sleep in, what's to keep all the homeless from killing? It keeps balance. It protects everyones way of life.

Me: Just because someone is homeless doesn't make them a murderer. In some cases, they just need help. As far as God is concerned, not only are we commanded not to kill, it is also in the law. We are contradicting ourselves by killing people who kill people. And we do it to prove a point. The death penalty is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Besides, what if the person on death row was framed and they don't find out he was innocent until it's too late? Furthermore, you know nothing of my kind of thinking because you know nothing about me. All you know is the things I've said in this particular conversation about this particular subject. I'm not stupid. I'm not ignorant. We're commanded to be peaceful beings. That's what I am: a peace-maker. And in my opinion, murder is NEVER the answer or a solution for ANYTHING. Lastly, where war is concerned, there are more rational ways of dealing with problems. Fighting should be a last resort, but wars are recurring. If you fight once over one thing, you're guarunteed to turn to fighting over the next solvable issue. And, generally, our government chooses to not go to war unless they get something out of it (oil)

Asshole: Because you don't put a guilty man on death row until you're positive. And I never said they were murderers. I'm saying that if there is no real punishment then what's to keep anyone from doing it? Kill someone to protect yourself? The world would be over! Because you're a liberal. Nuff said. Your kind of thinking is that which will some day destroy us. Umh, you haven't a clue what you're talking about do you? Hahah. I don't know why I'm bothering with you. Bye bye.

Morality keeps them from doing it. Sometimes it's psychological, though, in which case medication could keep them from it. I'm not a liberal, I'm rational. I agree with some points of both sets of political views. But anything that's gonna ...keep the peace and not cause problems within the community itself is the side I'll take. And as far as the man on death row, he could've been framed. He could've been in the wrong place at the wrong time. And then have everything against him. But until he's proven guilty, he's to be considered innocent. I know more about what I'm talking about than you do :)
Asshole: Definitely not. I watch Fox News 24/7 and read books constantly. I'm going into politics as a career. So don't think your "war is bad" crap can, or will ever be taken seriously. Like I said, I'm done. You ramble on about things that don't concern you.
If you were done, you wouldn't have written back. You're the type that wants to get in the last word so that you can feel accomplished like you won something. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But obviously, it's not such a waste o...f time if you care enough to get in the last word. Do what you want with your life. It's not my business. But the people have rights. And life is one that we're all entitled to. My sister is in Guam right now fighting for a country that has a don't-ask-don't-tell basis. How is that fair? And with Fox News, they know only as much as you do. They say what they're told to say. Half the time, the WEATHERMAN isn't even right. How can you put your life into the hands of people you know nothing about? internet research is a better idea.
Asshole: Hahah! And you think CNN and MSNBC are better?! Wow you really are as retarded as I previously thought. Perhaps you didn't understand me, D-O-N-E
Me: Oh I understood you perfectly. What I don't understand is that if you're so D-O-N-E, why are you still talking?
He never said anything back. I just have two things to say: If it doesn't concern ME as a U.S. citizen, there's no way in HELL that it concerns HIM. And two: don't mess with a bitch that has a blog :)

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