Friday, October 8, 2010

Gay Hate and Homophobia

I've seen these signs that these people hold up that says "God hates gays" and they try to use the Bible to justify gay hate. Well, it just so happens that I have my Bible right in front of me. Let's see what it has to say about YOU bitches.

Hypocrisy. Judgementalism.

There are lots of references to the Pharisees in the Bible. The Pharisees were the ones who went around preaching to everyone about what THEY were doing wrong. While the Pharisees considered themselves perfect. JESUS called them HYPOCRITES.

You are modern-day Pharisees. You point out the flaws of the people around you and ignore your own faults. Here's what the Bible says.

1) Love the sinner, hate the sin.
    Who DOESN'T know the Golden Rule? We are commanded to LOVE not to JUDGE.
2) Judge not lest ye be judged
     Don't tell someone what THEY'RE doing wrong when YOU'RE probably worse.
3) Emotions are not sinful. Actions are.
     God understands that we do not control our FEELINGS. We can't help who we care about and in what way we care about them. But we can control our actions. EMOTIONS DO NOT DETERMINE SEXUALITY. You don't choose your feelings.
4) God LOVES gays.
     Jesus died for EVERYONE. Not just straight white men. He died for the black people. For the Asians. For the North and South Americans. For the dead people from Antarctica. For the people who live on boats. For the astronauts and the surgeons and the chemists. For the homeless. For the mentally/physically helpless. For the paraplegics and the quadroplegics. For the gays. For the women. For the people in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Guam and Vietnam and China and Japan and Cuba and EVERY COUNTRY this one fights. I love my country. My sister is in the Navy. The problem is this: Don't Ask Don't Tell.

I think you should be proud of who you are. There isn't a bathroom labeled "For Straights Only". That's segregation. This country is segregating its people through prejudice. God LOVES gays. And God loves America. That said, people shouldn't "switch tabels" just because of that. But you should accept what can't be changed and love everyone despite their flaws. Everyone has flaws. I, obviously, have some pretty intense issues when it comes to getting mad.

It isn't easy to make me mad, and I am in complete control of myself and of my actions. But I will kick somebody's ass if need be.

5) Jesus set an example to love those who you consider your enemies
     So for those who says "God hates gays" and "He made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve"
No one chooses their feelings. And God doesn't make mistakes.

By the way, the man that wrote "Amazing Grace" was gay. So screw you all!!

**~ love not war ~**

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