Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Spiritual Debates

I have 2 debates up on my Paranormal/Spiritual Blog.


It includes my opinions on love. This is not intended to be hypocritical or to embarass anyone. I used them to show my opinion and prove a point.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Christianity vs Atheism

I just realized something that doesnt make since to me. People make such a
big deal about whether or not God exists. Christianity, of any denomination, is
the only religion you hear of regularly which people are constantly trying to
prove him wrong. If someone is Atheist, they don't freak out. Someone can be
Muslim or Hindu and people are just like "Whatever" But a lot of people nowadays
try to prove you wrong for being Christian. I have 2 things to say. 1) maybe I
can't give you tangible proof that God exists, but you can't prove He doesn't.
2) If you believe He's not there, why do you care so much?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Death Penalty and My Opinions On War (debate with another asshole)

My Facebook status: Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong? War is just an excuse for our leaders to throw temper tantrums that involve DEATH

~**further explantion not needed**~ For the record, I creamed this guy without cussing :)


My friend Jose:  It's called growing up and learning the world aint fucking fair at all

Asshole: Liberal

My friend Jose: Not really asshole

Me: But people shouldn't have to die just because our big president man didn't get his way. And that's both about the death penalty and about war

My friend Jose: Obama's a nigger

Inserpt: Jose isn't racist. He just jokes like that.

Me:  Hahahahaha

Asshole: You people are stupid, honestly. War is for freedom and justice. Obama wants us to be in war because he's a socialist. He wants us to die. There's no other reason. And Allison, if you seriously believe that the mass murder of thousands is justified then you're a fool. That's why we have the DEATH PENALTY!

Me: We are punishing the people who kill BY killing. Making ourselves no different than them. The government should not play God by choosing when a person should die.

Asshole: Its your kind of thinking that let these homicidal maniacs back out into the world. To kill and maim innocent people because THEY think they are the hand of God. The voice of reasoning for man kind. The Government doesn't play a God. They play reason and justification for crimes. And in killing a man whom has killed 1-1,000 men, we keep sanity. Because if you knew you could mass murder hundreds of people and get away with it, be sent to a jail with 3 square meals a day and a warm bed to sleep in, what's to keep all the homeless from killing? It keeps balance. It protects everyones way of life.

Me: Just because someone is homeless doesn't make them a murderer. In some cases, they just need help. As far as God is concerned, not only are we commanded not to kill, it is also in the law. We are contradicting ourselves by killing people who kill people. And we do it to prove a point. The death penalty is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Besides, what if the person on death row was framed and they don't find out he was innocent until it's too late? Furthermore, you know nothing of my kind of thinking because you know nothing about me. All you know is the things I've said in this particular conversation about this particular subject. I'm not stupid. I'm not ignorant. We're commanded to be peaceful beings. That's what I am: a peace-maker. And in my opinion, murder is NEVER the answer or a solution for ANYTHING. Lastly, where war is concerned, there are more rational ways of dealing with problems. Fighting should be a last resort, but wars are recurring. If you fight once over one thing, you're guarunteed to turn to fighting over the next solvable issue. And, generally, our government chooses to not go to war unless they get something out of it (oil)

Asshole: Because you don't put a guilty man on death row until you're positive. And I never said they were murderers. I'm saying that if there is no real punishment then what's to keep anyone from doing it? Kill someone to protect yourself? The world would be over! Because you're a liberal. Nuff said. Your kind of thinking is that which will some day destroy us. Umh, you haven't a clue what you're talking about do you? Hahah. I don't know why I'm bothering with you. Bye bye.

Morality keeps them from doing it. Sometimes it's psychological, though, in which case medication could keep them from it. I'm not a liberal, I'm rational. I agree with some points of both sets of political views. But anything that's gonna ...keep the peace and not cause problems within the community itself is the side I'll take. And as far as the man on death row, he could've been framed. He could've been in the wrong place at the wrong time. And then have everything against him. But until he's proven guilty, he's to be considered innocent. I know more about what I'm talking about than you do :)
Asshole: Definitely not. I watch Fox News 24/7 and read books constantly. I'm going into politics as a career. So don't think your "war is bad" crap can, or will ever be taken seriously. Like I said, I'm done. You ramble on about things that don't concern you.
If you were done, you wouldn't have written back. You're the type that wants to get in the last word so that you can feel accomplished like you won something. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But obviously, it's not such a waste o...f time if you care enough to get in the last word. Do what you want with your life. It's not my business. But the people have rights. And life is one that we're all entitled to. My sister is in Guam right now fighting for a country that has a don't-ask-don't-tell basis. How is that fair? And with Fox News, they know only as much as you do. They say what they're told to say. Half the time, the WEATHERMAN isn't even right. How can you put your life into the hands of people you know nothing about? internet research is a better idea.
Asshole: Hahah! And you think CNN and MSNBC are better?! Wow you really are as retarded as I previously thought. Perhaps you didn't understand me, D-O-N-E
Me: Oh I understood you perfectly. What I don't understand is that if you're so D-O-N-E, why are you still talking?
He never said anything back. I just have two things to say: If it doesn't concern ME as a U.S. citizen, there's no way in HELL that it concerns HIM. And two: don't mess with a bitch that has a blog :)

Gay Rights and Evolution vs. Creation

Some asshole was talkin shit to my sister so I took over. I haven't even read some of what he said cuz my sister started being "me" when I went to bed. I'll say when it's her. Actually, now that I've re-read it, I take that back. It was me.


Woah there broski. I understood what I just said, bro. My bro, I know what I said. Got that, bro? Now brah, what I was saying was that homosexuality goes against the entire evolutionary chain of procreation. Homosexuality prevents offspring, which is the exact opposite of what is the purpose of life Darwin discovered. Survival of species through offspring.


First off, the evidence for evolution BETTER supports the idea of creationism. Second, there is no tangible evidence within the fossil record or present day record that evolution has ever occured. Third, You can't control your emotions. You don't choose to have feelings. If you wanna make a sexual choice, go masterbate you asshole


Futhermore, brah, because there is so much evidence, broski, AGAINST the idea of evolution, man, some of you dipshits, dude, are out there trying to say that fucking early civilization came by fuckin spaceship, homie G, from a more civilized planet, homeskillet, because they can't Back. Their. Shit. Up. Bromaynebrah.

You can control your emotions and at such a young age your emotions aren't in control. That is the problem. Clinical studies have shown that the human brain does not develop the logic centers required to understand the complex idea of love until later stages in life. 13, 14, and 15 year-olds have little to no grasp on the true enormity of emotions.

Creationism is a fairy-tale that tries to explain away everything with a sleight of hand. Yet, let's look at it from the creationists side...

"These birds have developed very distinctly different adaptations to their different environments," says Darwin "But they appear to be the same species and can even mate with one another."

"That cannot be," says the creationists "These birds are different because God made them different. Because the Bible says so, so it must be."

"But, the fossil records show the gradual human evolution over the years," says Darwin's supporters "Even different species entirely show gradual change over the years that follow a similar track."

"That cannot be," says the creationists "God made us humans in his image, he would not make us imperfect and change us so. These fossils are wrong because the Bible says so."

Circular logic works because circular logic works because circular logic works because circular logic works.

Are you one of those new-wave neo-Christian pieces of shit? Do you feel the need to say "I LOVE GOD" all of the time and you wear shitty t-shirts that have bad slogans like "Without God, I suck." on them? I was raised in a strictly Catholic Polish immigrant household. I've read the Scripture back and forth. And while I support religion, I do not support the bastardization of religion into a fashion statement or a gimmick for small children to buy into.

Why don't you wait until you are old enough to understand what you are saying until you begin to speak.


no bitch I'm pentecostal (this has been her older sister btw) and I dont have any T-shirts. I wear what the fuck i wanna wear. l DO love God and I dont really give a shit what you think about it. I'm just saying dont talk shit if you cant back your shit up.

And yes i DO know what the fuck love is. I've been with the same guy since i was fucking 13. You wanna talk shit about that i bet u havent had a relationship that lasted more than a fucking month.

Furthermore, we DO know that natural selection DOES happen. It just happens so as the same animals change TYPES not SPECIES. Let's not forget you people are the asswipes that try to say that we came from monkeys. We didn't but I know this much: You fucktards evolved from rocks.


I don't understand all the anger. Christ did not teach foul words and anger at your fellow man, did he?

I've been with the same woman for 6 years now. Thanks though, for the insinuation and attempted character assassination. She's my first girlfriend and last girlfriend.

I love God as well, but creationism is not an answer. Why would you throw out the possibility that God could have set this entire thing in motion? What is more divinely inspiring than the idea that God had a plan and set it in motion and we are another piece of that plan?

Also, homosexuality is a sin. I don't understand why you would defend a sin. The plain truth is that we are created by God, Allah, whatever holy power there may or may not be with the intent of survival. Survival of species is through procreation. It's simple.

The idea that humans came as we are is quite absurd. That disregards entire libraries of information that has been collected over the years. The argument that evolutionists believe we came from monkey's is so over-used and taken out of context. The idea is that we can trace back our lineage through common traits and genetic similarities. As you progress backwards we do take on a more monkey-esque form. That is if you can an upright, hairy, humanoid creature a monkey. Millions of years has changed every creature on the planet. Monkeys that exist today aren't the same as they were millions of years back. You insinuate the idea that we evolved from mere chimps, when the fact is that we (and them) were quite different.


The Bible says that homosexuality IN ACTION is the sin, and that the emotion itself is not wrong. It says that God understands our emotions because we cannot control them. And he also says that he loves the sinners, but hates the sin, and we're commanded to do the same. It also says being judgemental is just as wrong as that, and it is actually focused more on being judgemental and hypocritical than being gay.
Look up the Pharisees and the Sadusees.
They're mentioned in four books, and the prophecies..

You are entitled to your opinion, but if you start shooting off mouth sperm, you're not gonna win. So keep your opinions to yourself, or else tell them to someone who gives a shit.
leading up to those books.

In the prophecies leading up to those books. And for the record, the guy who wrote Amazing Grace was infact gay. So make sure you know ALL of your facts before trying to talk shit. Gay hate is a cover-up for Homophobia, which the majority of the time, comes from the macho gays. Got something you wanna tell us?

The Pharisees and the Sadducee were sects of the Jewish faith. Also rounding off those two were the Essene, another group of Jewish people.

I don't understand what that has to do with homosexuality.

You're also not saying anything about the fact that the own church you belong to refuses to accept gay members. What does that say about it?

Also, your insinuation that God understands we cannot control our emotions is total bullshit. Right within the Decalogue it states that you shall not covet your neighbors belongings. Which means you will not even think about wanting your neighbors stuff because that will put you at ends with your God. Want is an emotion, a very powerful one that rules over a few of the other major sins and Commandments.

You still haven't told me where in the Bible it promotes homosexuality, or even where that emotions can run as rampant as they want.

I'm not afraid of gays. I've have had/still have several gay friends. Who I've talked to about my opinion before. See, I might be against gay marriage and sex, but it is something that will be sorted out by you and the Almighty come judgment day. My main argument is that it defies all natural sciences. There is no means to have offspring via gay sex. It is a moot point. I don't have anything tell you, I'm not gay. Like I've said before I've had the same/first/only girlfriend for six years now.

You obviously give a shit. You've been going at me for some time now. You've never made any point other than thinly veiled references that refer to entire books. You spout inconsistencies back and forth and refuse to answer why do you support gays when you are a member of a church that openly views them as sinful creatures not even fit for their church services?

I genuinely could not give less of a shit. What would your gay friends say to the things you're accusing them of? If they could be straight, they'd do it in a heartbeat. But it's not a choice.

Coveting goes back to idolatry. Anything that you want that takes your focus off of God to the point where it becomes a potential idol.

And good for you that you've been with her that long. Is she blind deaf and retarded?

I'm not looking to pick a fight. But I will NOT sit back while some asshole sits there trying to insult the people that I care about.

And my church DOES in fact openly accept gays and they are just as much members of our church as anyone else.

Last point: God does not play favorites. It says in the Bible that God does not show favoritism. Meaning Jesus died for the gays just as much as he did for the straights and bi people and Muslims and Mormons and Baptists and Catholics and Jews and whites and blacks and indians and native fucking americans.

As much as I would LOVE at this point to find you, rip your nuts off and feed them to you, I won't because it's beyond not worth my time and by tomorrow I'll have completely forgotten who you are. So I hope you die :-) have a fucking great day.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Lemme start out by saying I LOVEEE YouTube. It's the funnest waste of my time ever :) but, see, my webcam and cell phone camcorder are difficult in that they will NOT let me post my videos. I was gonna leave my controversial topics for YouTube, but my vids wont cooperate. I'm working on it...so until further notice, my rants will be on here. I'll still rant about the same things, but it will be longer on here and I'll post my blog link on my channel.

If you wanna add me on YouTube ANYWAYS then here's my channel:

Have fun!!

Chris Crocker

I want everyone to see him for who he is.

He is NOT the "Britney Boy" nor is he the "Tranny" or "Drag Queen" or "Flamer" that he has been accused of being.

Chris is a beautiful person. He has a gorgeous feminine side as well as an attractive male side.

You soul knows no gender.

Chris has to deal with gay hate and internet bullying as well as problems with his own family and things that he has to go through on a day-to-day basis. And he has to put up with YOU bitches that just wanna talk shit. Say it to his face if you're not scared. That's the problem with you people. You'll talk shit as long as you can do it anonymously.

I love Chris Crocker. As a person. He is funny and he makes good points because he doesn't only give his opinion, he gives FACTS to back it up. He talks freely about his feelings and people who are willing can easily relate to him. And he's an inspiration for the younger people who are struggling with self-esteem issues because of their sexuality and because of gay hate.

THIS is NOT the real Chris Crocker:


THIS is the REAL Chris Crocker:


And THAT'S the one that inspires people. To be themselves. To love who they are. To not be insecure for not being what everyone else wants them to be. A lot of people should be greatful. He's like...a mentor. And all he does is openly be himself.

Gay Hate and Homophobia

I've seen these signs that these people hold up that says "God hates gays" and they try to use the Bible to justify gay hate. Well, it just so happens that I have my Bible right in front of me. Let's see what it has to say about YOU bitches.

Hypocrisy. Judgementalism.

There are lots of references to the Pharisees in the Bible. The Pharisees were the ones who went around preaching to everyone about what THEY were doing wrong. While the Pharisees considered themselves perfect. JESUS called them HYPOCRITES.

You are modern-day Pharisees. You point out the flaws of the people around you and ignore your own faults. Here's what the Bible says.

1) Love the sinner, hate the sin.
    Who DOESN'T know the Golden Rule? We are commanded to LOVE not to JUDGE.
2) Judge not lest ye be judged
     Don't tell someone what THEY'RE doing wrong when YOU'RE probably worse.
3) Emotions are not sinful. Actions are.
     God understands that we do not control our FEELINGS. We can't help who we care about and in what way we care about them. But we can control our actions. EMOTIONS DO NOT DETERMINE SEXUALITY. You don't choose your feelings.
4) God LOVES gays.
     Jesus died for EVERYONE. Not just straight white men. He died for the black people. For the Asians. For the North and South Americans. For the dead people from Antarctica. For the people who live on boats. For the astronauts and the surgeons and the chemists. For the homeless. For the mentally/physically helpless. For the paraplegics and the quadroplegics. For the gays. For the women. For the people in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Guam and Vietnam and China and Japan and Cuba and EVERY COUNTRY this one fights. I love my country. My sister is in the Navy. The problem is this: Don't Ask Don't Tell.

I think you should be proud of who you are. There isn't a bathroom labeled "For Straights Only". That's segregation. This country is segregating its people through prejudice. God LOVES gays. And God loves America. That said, people shouldn't "switch tabels" just because of that. But you should accept what can't be changed and love everyone despite their flaws. Everyone has flaws. I, obviously, have some pretty intense issues when it comes to getting mad.

It isn't easy to make me mad, and I am in complete control of myself and of my actions. But I will kick somebody's ass if need be.

5) Jesus set an example to love those who you consider your enemies
     So for those who says "God hates gays" and "He made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve"
No one chooses their feelings. And God doesn't make mistakes.

By the way, the man that wrote "Amazing Grace" was gay. So screw you all!!

**~ love not war ~**

Judgemental Bitches

I need to say this. FUCK LABELS.

You'll always be TOO something. You do one thing, people tear you down for it. You do the opposite, they tear harder.

Lemme say something to the judgemental bitches that think they know a person because they talked to them for 5 seconds. Or maybe all you know is their name.

You've heard it said "Don't judge a book by its cover" and "You don't know a person til you've walked two moons in their mocassins." If you haven't, now you have.

GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELVES!! You go around saying how freaking amazingly awesome you are and how much someone else sucks. Who are you trying to convince? Them or yourself? Because I GUARUNTEE nobody but YOU gives a shit what YOU think. There's people who LOVE that person. Talking shit just makes YOU look bad.

And for the sensitive people like me who can tap into the emotions of the people around you, we can tell based on appearance what someone is like. But we can also tell why. And we give them a chance because everyone deserves at least one chance to prove you wrong.

I have a friend. She's an amazing friend and she's a really good listener and the reason she's like that is because she takes everything extra-personally. It has a deep emotional effect on her. Everything does. It's because she doesn't overlook the smaller details the way most people do. She has her family drama and very few people accept her as a friend so she has to lean on herself. She escapes through her music. She sings and plays guitar. We're a lot alike in a lot of different ways. And if I had gone by what I thought of her before I KNEW her, then I wouldn't have a friend like her who can relate to me on an emotional level. Like me, she feels the emotions around her. So, when I'm at my lowest point, she will cry WITH me not FOR me because she can feel everything I'm going through. I love my friends. And I love her.

I love you Twitch <3

P.S. She has a record deal in some country music thing. Official Facebook fan page:
